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Clark County Courts

Vancouver, WA

(564) 397-6105


Clark County Courts Interpreter Request Form

Vancouver, Washington

Requests for Interpreter Services should be submitted no later than 5-7 business days before the hearing.

Rush requests are only for hearings less than 48 hours from your submission. Interpreter Services will do our best to accomodate this request; however, we cannot guarantee services. 

Date and Time of Hearing (in military time)

Date Picker

Please do not request an interpreter for a Jury Trial until it has been called ready.

We will also need an estimated duration (in days) for the trial. Requests for interpreters on a Jury Trial will receive confirmation from the Interpreter Coordinator.

Please do not request an interpreter for a Bench Trial until it has been called ready.

We will also need an estimated duration (in days) for the trial. Requests for interpreters on a Bench Trial will receive confirmation from the Interpreter Coordinator..